Citizens donate 294 books to Capital Police College Library

By U.Zee

ISLAMABAD: Following the special directions of Islamabad Capital City Police Officer (ICCPO) Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan, a library was established in the Capital Police College Islamabad to promote literature and book reading habits among the officers and officials of the Islamabad Capital Police.
In this regard, a citizen donated 294 books on various topics and subjects for the Capital Police College Library, upon which SSP Law and Order/Deputy Commandant Dr. Muhammad Iqbal awarded the citizen with certificates of appreciation and also thanked him for his generosity.
Moreover, the CPC library contains rare manuscripts of books, historical decisions, court orders, reference cases, books based on knowledge and literature in addition to academic heritage and research materials of researchers.
Which not only promotes literature and knowledge among the officers and officials of Islamabad Capital Police, but also increases their creativity and awareness, along with this, reference materials are also available for the investigation officers from the legal books in the library.
Earlier, Islamabad Capital Police have established a library at Capital Police College to promote a culture of learning and intellectual growth among the police officials.
The newly established library houses a diverse collection comprising rare manuscripts, historical judgments, legal precedents, references for investigative officers, as well as research materials from renowned scholars.