SPP committed to law-based business Climate

BEIJING: Procuratorates have fully exerted their functions to provide higher-level judicial support for the equal development of various business entities, the promotion of innovation-driven development and the maintenance of financial security over the past year, as stated in the annual work report of China’s top procuratorate.
It noted that they also prioritized the use of legal means to stabilize social expectations and boost market confidence, prosecuting 121,000 individuals for sabotaging market economy order in 2023, marking a 20.4 percent year-on-year increase. Ying Yong, the procurator-general of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, delivered the work report on Friday and submitted it to the ongoing second session of the 14th National People’s Congress, the country’s top legislature, for review.
To promote expansion and development of the private economy, the SPP issued a document urging prosecutors to strictly distinguish between economic disputes and actual crimes, administrative violations and criminal offenses, as well as crimes committed by entities and individuals, it said.
Procuratorates resolutely corrected problems such as using nefarious means to intervene in civil and economic disputes, and addressed issues related to overstepping boundaries and time limits in the seizure, detention and freezing of assets, thereby contributing to optimization of the business environment. The SPP also introduced measures to target infringements on the interests of private enterprises by personnel in key positions — such as violations including embezzlement, fund misappropriations and bribery — thus pushing forward the establishment of internal corruption-fighting mechanisms within private enterprises. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item