Pakistan urges UNSC to be more transparent on global conflicts

DM Monitoring

WASHINGTON: The Security Council must be more transparent and inclusive in conducting its business to meet the challenges posed by current global, regional conflicts and crises, a senior Pakistani diplomat has stressed, and called for improved working methods as also steps to ensure the implementation of its resolutions, especially on longstanding issues and disputes.
“Nothing undermines the credibility of the Security Council more than ‘selective’ implementation and non-implementation of its resolutions,’ Ambassador Usman Jadoon, deputy permanent representative of Pakistan to the UN, told the 15-member body on Monday.
‘Failure to enforce its resolutions undermines the credibility of the Security Council and erodes confidence in its ability to fulfill the responsibilities assigned by the UN Charter,’ he said while speaking in a debate on: The Working Methods of the Security Council. Ambassador Jadoon underscored the imperative for the Security Council to respond decisively to the increasingly complex challenges to global peace and security by acting in an effective, transparent, accountable, and democratic manner.
In his remarks, the Pakistani envoy highlighted key areas for improvement in the Council’s working methods, including the need for full adherence to openness and transparency, as provided under the rules.
Ambassador Jadoon referred to the absence of interactive discussions in open meetings, saying it compromises the Council’s mandated role, particularly its duty to act on behalf of all Member States.
He also advocated for enhancing the quality and frequency of reporting to the General Assembly and allowing automatic participation of non-Council members in deliberations upon request, and called for the elimination or reform of the “penholder” system to ensure greater inclusivity and fairness.
In this regard, he emphasized the need to uphold and respect the General Assembly’s role as the principal deliberative, policy-making, and norm-setting organ of the UN.
The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations (UN) and is charged with ensuring international peace and security, recommending the admission of new UN members to the General Assembly, and approving any changes to the UN Charter.