Kashmiris remain determined against all odds

ISLAMABAD: Incarcerated senior leader of All Parties Hurriyat Conference and Chairman of Democratic Freedom Party, Shabbir Ahmed Shah has praised the grit and determination shown by the Kashmiris in their ongoing struggle against Indian occupation and tyranny.
Shabbir Ahmed Shah in his message from the infamous Tihar Jail in New Delhi said that the Kashmiris have been enduring Indian atrocities with courage for a long time, but their spirit of freedom is alive and they are determined to carry on their just struggle against all odds, APHC issued a press release.
He said that the resolve, courage, sincerity and brotherhood exhibited by the Kashmiri people in the face of Indian repression and nefarious designs was exemplary.
Facing hardships and difficulties in the struggle for freedom is sign of living nations, he added.
Shabbir Ahmad Shah lamented that the Indian forces’ personnel have continued their repressive acts including arresting youth even in the holy month of Ramadan. –Agencies