AIKS decries RSS move to criticise Farmers’ protests

DM Monitoring

New Delhi: The All India Kisan Sabha, the farmers’ wing of the Communist Party of India has released a statement decrying the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh’s move to call the farmers’ protests in Punjab and Haryana “anti-national.”
The RSS is the ideological fountainhead of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party.
Business Standard reported that in its annual report 2023-24 presented by the group’s general secretary Dattatreya Hosabale at the RSS’s ‘Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha’ conclave in Nagpur on March 15, the group said, “The separatist terrorism in Punjab has raised its ugly head again. Under the pretext of farmers’ agitation, especially in Punjab, attempts have been restarted to spread anarchy, just two months before the Lok Sabha elections.”
In a statement AIKS said that it condemned the “sinister move of the RSS which has often been indicted for its anti-national role in communal riots and pogroms.”
The group said that the group has spread lies against the Samyukt Kisan Morcha (the non-political wing of which is leading the current protests), which led the previous protests that forced the Narendra Modi-led BJP government to withdraw the controversial farm laws in 2021.
It said:
“AIKS is of the firm opinion that the audacity demonstrated by Hosabale to demonise the farmers’ movement in general and the Punjab movement in particular is a loyal continuum of the RSS’ trajectory of collaborating with British imperialism and denigrating the greatest anti-imperialist martyrs like Bhagat Singh.
When the entire country was on the streets condemning the hanging of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev, the RSS and other Hindutva outfits were busy denouncing them.”
The AIKS also took exception to the fact that the RSS has used the term “disruptive forces” to characterise the farmers of Punjab and Haryana who are “fighting against the corporatisation of the agriculture.”
It said, “The reality is that it is Hindutva terrorism that is acting as the most disruptive internal threat to the unity and diversity of the country.”
It claimed that the RSS has been aligned with politics that has favoured international finance capital and big business and which threatens Indian farmers.
“RSS should not forget its history of collusion with the imperialist forces and with imperialist agencies like the CIA. CIA agent J.A. Curran, who enjoyed unusual access to the top brass of RSS from 1949 to 1951, in his book had identified RSS as a tool that would help the imperialist block led by the USA to contain the militant peasant and workers’ movement in independent India. By demonising the farmers’ movement against corporatisation, RSS is showing its support for imperialist forces in their project to devour Indian agriculture,” it said.
The statement is signed by Vijoo Krishnan, the group’s general secretary and Ashok Dhawale, its president.