PTDC prioritizes green tourism promotion

ISLAMABAD: To make the tourism sector more productive and sustainable as well as attract local and foreign investment, it is important to promote green tourism in Pakistan, opined Managing Director of Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) Aftab ur Rahman Rana in an interview with Media.


He said, “Green tourism is getting popular globally and the tourism industry is also growing rapidly. With the increasing influx of tourists, different kinds of challenges are emerging concerning the related communities, local cultures, socio-economic well-being, and environmental safety. Green tourism represents long-term sustainability in the tourism sector”.


He said across the world, almost all stakeholders involved in the hospitality and tourism sector were adopting the eco-friendly model or green tourism to reduce the negative impacts on regional ethics and environment. For example, reduction of forest wood consumption in hotels used for heating, cooking, or building purposes is popularizing.


Other environment-friendly practices are also common like proper management of waste, sewage, and eco-friendly energy sources other than carbon-emitting fuels, and responsible water consumption.


All these aspects are now regularly incorporated into the operations of tourism and hospitality businesses. As much as we move forward in adopting these eco-friendly actions, tourism and other related sectors are becoming greener.


“Apart from this, the local communities and visitors are also becoming sensitized to the positive and negative impacts of tourism. Now, the local communities are more prepared to cope with the negative impacts that tourists leave on that area or on the people. It is also a part of green tourism practices. If tourists are sensitized, they become more responsible and avoid cutting trees and polluting the area and water resources.  By doing so, they also prove themselves more responsible and green tourists”.


Aftab further said, “The PTDC is prioritizing adopting certain good practices in tourist operations and facilities. Even Europe and many other countries are now restricting heavy tourist inflows to a manageable number to avoid nuisance. So, this is the right time to fully adopt and implement the green tourism concept in Pakistan to make our tourism more sustainable so that the future generations could also enjoy the same sight-seeing we are enjoying today. It will also benefit the future communities in terms of socio-economic stability and protected environmental heritage.”


Talking to Media about the importance of promoting green tourism practices in Pakistan, owner and CEO of Islamabad-based tour operating company Karakoram Adventure Mubarak Hussain said green tourism was essential to conserve the environment, culture, and long-term sustainability.


“Green tourism will bring economic growth, investment, and socio-economic empowerment of the related communities and rapid growth in the tourism sector. However, all these things require the collective efforts of the related government departments and stakeholders, including the general public. Collaborative efforts are the only key to success and an awareness campaign is necessary to make this dream true. In this way, not only the tourism sector in Pakistan will strengthen but also new work, trade, and business opportunities will take place”.  –INP