Gaza War and Arab Advocacy

A group of Arab countries at the UN called on the Security Council to invoke Chapter 7 of the UN Charter, to force Israel to implement an immediate ceasefire in Gaza for the remainder of Ramadan and allow humanitarian workers to freely distribute aid and prevent a looming famine in the territory. This followed two separate resolutions demanding that Israeli authorities lift restrictions on humanitarian workers and allow the delivery of aid to the starving population of the enclave at the scale needed to address the growing crisis in the territory. Unfortunately, the Israeli military blatantly targets journalists, hospitals, and ambulances. medical staff, and aid workers without any remorse and fear of accountability. 14,000 children have been killed out of a total of 32000 deaths in the past six months of the war, and thousands are missing, presumed dead, and buried under the rubble. Palestinian infants are now dying of malnutrition and dehydration, while over 2 million people are suffering from hunger and famine.
Amid such conditions, the entire world is shocked by the attack on humanitarian aid workers that killed seven volunteers engaged in providing dearly needed food items to the people incarcerated in open prison in Gaza.The killing of seven Western aid workers undoubtedly shocked the civilized world and put the rouge Israeli regime in a defensive position. There had been growing calls from within the Biden administration and Democrats to stop sending US military aid to Israel. Meanwhile, Israel’s diplomatic isolation has increased many folds with strong criticism from multiple European nations including Poland, Norway, and others. Recently, the UN Human Rights Council has adopted a draft resolution calling all states to cease the sale, transfer, and diversion of arms, munitions, and other military equipment to Israel, to prevent further violations of international humanitarian law and abuses of human rights in the occupied territory. The latest development has created immense pressure on Netanyahu’s government compelling Tel Aviv to resume peace talks with Hamas under the Cario initiative which was previously on pause due to Israel’s adamant and hegemonism.Today, the Israeli aggression against unarmed, unprotected Gazans has marked six long months. The humanitarian situation in the war-hit Gaza enclave is very dire with no end in sight so far. Israel’s inhumane territorial blockade and ruthless bombardment continued without any pause wherein the rouge Jewish state prepared to launch a full-fledged military offensive in Rafah, one of the major population centers in occupied territory.
The UN Security Council recently adopted a resolution calling for a ceasefire during the Muslim holy month. This followed two separate resolutions demanding that Israeli authorities lift restrictions on humanitarian workers and allow the delivery of aid to the starving population of the enclave at the scale needed to address the growing crisis in Gaza.
The force of international law backs Security Council resolutions which are legally binding. Chapter 7 of the UN Charter grants the Security Council the power to order military action and nonmilitary measures, such as sanctions, to ensure its resolutions are implemented and to restore international peace and security.
The Arab coalition has now moved a draft resolution called upon the UN Security Council (UNSC) to adopt a resolution, under Chapter 7 of the UN Charter, to ensure that Israel, the occupying power abides by a ceasefire, and gives access to humanitarian aid and put an end to the evil aggression on the Palestinian people. It is high time that the United Nations and its pivotal arm the UNSC fulfill their primary responsibility by implementing their resolution using all possible means including sanctions, political and diplomatic tools, and military power to get an immediate ceasefire in Gaza to secure over 2 million innocent lives facing acute hunger and reckless bombing all around from the air, ground and out of the sea. If the global forum fails to implement its decree by powerful states, it morally loses its respect and purpose in the comity of nations. Such extreme and repeated failures remind the world that the UN’s end, sooner or later, will not be much different from the League of Nations.