Volunteer groups aid medical staff in countryside

BEIJING: A key focus of China’s healthcare sector this year is to dispatch senior medical professionals in urban areas to the countryside and strengthen support for primary health clinics, the National Health Commission said during a recent news conference.
Mi Feng, a spokesman for the commission, said that over the years, China has continuously channeled quality medical resources to grassroots facilities, improving their infrastructure and services and enhancing the training of local healthcare workers.
Last year, the proportion of medical visits at primary healthcare institutions nationwide reached 52 percent, he said during a news conference held in Xichang, Sichuan province, last month.
Mi said that this year, the commission will focus on mobilizing medical personnel to grassroots institutions, stepping up the coordination of healthcare facilities in rural areas and encouraging urban hospitals to support lower-level facilities.
As part of efforts to beef up grassroots healthcare, the commission has been calling on renowned medical professionals to offer volunteer services to less-developed regions since 2018.
In February of last year, a volunteer service corps was officially launched by the commission. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item