Bankruptcy court helps displaced workers

BEIJING: A Beijing court that has been helping enterprises deal with restructuring and liquidation has also been assisting their employees to find new jobs.
“Enabling people whose employers are facing business difficulties to get compensation or find new jobs is a major issue in handling bankruptcy cases, as better placement is conducive to family harmony and social stability,” said Li Qian, a judge from the Beijing No 1 Intermediate People’s Court.
She made the remark on Wednesday as the court released its five-year achievements in solving bankruptcy disputes.
Data released by the court showed that its bankruptcy tribunal, which was established in late January 2019, has concluded 580 cases, 19 of which involved large enterprises.
In 2022, for example, the tribunal resettled more than 3,000 employees of a large auto company while tackling its liquidation, according to Li.
“We first informed the workers that their employer was facing bankruptcy, and then asked them, one by one, what they wanted — to seek a job with a similar car company or to leave with compensation,” she said.
“Most of them chose re-employment in the automobile industry, with a small number of people who eventually terminated their labor contracts with the employer getting compensated.” The placement was completed within three months, Li said. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item