Taliban must stop terrorist activities

The recent escalation of terrorist activities originating from Afghan soil presents a grave threat to regional stability and bilateral relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Reports from Rawalpindi indicate a significant uptick in terrorist incidents, with militants from Afghanistan attempting to infiltrate the Pakistan-Afghanistan border to target both security forces and innocent civilians.
This alarming trend necessitates immediate and decisive action from the Taliban leadership in Afghanistan.In the past month, Pakistan’s security forces have intensified their operations along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, particularly in the Sambaza area of Zhob District in Balochistan. These operations, which began on April 21, 2024, have successfully neutralized 29 terrorists. However, the cost has been high, with the tragic loss of Maj Babar Khan, who was martyred during an intelligence-based operation on May 14, 2024.
This underscores the ongoing sacrifices made by Pakistan’s security personnel to protect the nation from the scourge of terrorism.The persistence of cross-border terrorism highlights the urgent need for effective border management and cooperation between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Pakistan has consistently called upon the Interim Afghan Government to take concrete steps to prevent its territory from being used as a launching pad for terrorist attacks against Pakistan.
This plea for responsible governance and adherence to international obligations cannot be ignored. The Taliban leadership must wake up to the seriousness of this issue and act swiftly to curb these activities.If the Taliban leadership fails to address this critical problem, the consequences for Afghan-Pakistan relations could be dire. Sustained terrorist activities emanating from Afghanistan will inevitably strain diplomatic ties and foster mistrust between the two neighbors. Such a scenario would be detrimental to both countries, undermining regional security and hindering economic cooperation.Pakistan, on its part, must continue to fortify its borders and ensure the safety of its citizens.
The ongoing operations by security forces are a testament to Pakistan’s commitment to combating terrorism. However, unilateral efforts may not suffice. Pakistan must engage the international community, presenting compelling evidence of cross-border terrorism and seeking broader support for its counter-terrorism initiatives.International support is crucial in exerting pressure on the Taliban regime to fulfill its obligations. The global community, particularly those with influence over the Taliban, should be encouraged to advocate for stringent measures against terrorist groups operating from Afghan soil. This collective effort is essential to achieving lasting peace and stability in the region.The Taliban leadership must recognize that harboring or turning a blind eye to terrorist activities will only lead to further isolation and economic hardship for Afghanistan.