Criminal cases see a drop nationwide

BEIJING: China is a country with one of the lowest crime rates, lowest homicide rates and fewest gun and explosion incidents, according to data released on Monday by the Ministry of Public Security.
Last year, the number of criminal cases filed nationwide decreased by 12.9 percent compared with 2019, ministry spokesman Li Guozhong said at a news conference in Beijing.
Data showed that the number of serious violent crimes in eight categories, including homicide and explosion, dropped 10.7 percent, with the homicide rate as low as 0.46 per 100,000 people.
At the same time, the nationwide homicide case solving rate reached 99.9 percent, the highest level in the nation’s history.
Li said that specialized operations targeting violent terrorist activities have resulted in no terrorist incidents across China in over seven years, adding that authorities have also rigorously cracked down on cult practices and carried out extensive education as well as transformation of individuals involved with cults.
Over the past five years, efforts have been intensified to improve mechanisms to prevent economic crimes affecting large sections of the population and avert financial risks, leading to nearly 400,000 economic crime cases being solved and over 230 billion yuan ($32 billion) in direct losses being recovered, the spokesman said.
In addition, measures for network security protection, critical information infrastructure security and data security have been strengthened through continuous campaigns, Li said. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item