Authorities go after illegal cattle markets

KARACHI: In a move to address the issue of illegal cattle markets, the authorities have removed 33 un-authorized markets across Karachi.
Commissioner Karachi Hasan Naqvi presided over the meeting where the progress of the operations were discussed.
During the video-linked meeting, the Deputy Commissioner updated about the operation stated that 15 illegal markets were dismantled in Malir, thee in Korangi, two in Central, 10 in East, and two in Kea-mari area of Karachi.
Additionally, one illegal market was removed in South District meanwhile three individuals were ar-rested in connection with these operations.
After taking the briefing from the Deputy Commissioner, Commissioner Karachi directed to take im-mediate action and remove all illegal markets across the city.
He terms the cattle markets established without the permission of the administration as illegal and stating that legal actions and cases would be filed against those responsible for setting up and operat-ing these illegal markets. –Agencies