Dar seeks UN role over Kashmir issue

——– Asks UN Chief’s role for just resolution of Kashmir dispute

From Asghar Ali Mubarak

ISLAMABAD: Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar on Tuesday urged the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to use his good offices for the just resolution of the outstanding Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions.
The deputy prime minister held a meeting with the UN Secretary-General on the sidelines of the high-level conference on “Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza,” being held in Jordan, according to a Foreign Office press release.
He lauded the UN secretary general’s initiative to jointly hold the conference along with Jordan and Egypt at a time when the people of Palestine were in dire need of international support and urgent humanitarian assistance.
He also commended the leadership and proactive role of the Secretary-General Guterres in raising concern at the situation in Gaza on the international stage.
Reiterating Pakistan’s strong and unequivocal condemnation of the indiscriminate and brutal use of force by Israel against the Palestinians, the deputy prime minister called for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire, unimpeded humanitarian assistance to the besieged people of Gaza, return of the displaced Palestinians, and ensuring accountability for the war crimes and crimes against humanity being committed by Israel.
Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mohammad Ishaq Dar on Monday arrived in Amman, Jordan to attend the high-level conference on ‘Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza’.
At the airport, he was received by Jordanian Minister of Prime Ministry Affairs Ibrahim Al Jazi, Governor of Amman Yaser Al Adwan and the Mayor of Amman, Al Shawarbeh.
The Conference is jointly hosted by Jordan, Egypt, and the UN. During the Conference, DPM will reiterate Pakistan’s unwavering support for the people of Palestine in the backdrop of Israel’s grave crimes in Gaza.
Earlier, After months of hectic campaigning, Pakistan on Thursday was elected with a massive majority as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council (UNSC), the world body’s power centre, pledging to make its contribution to meeting the grave challenges facing the world.
Pakistan, which was unopposed, garnered 182 votes in the 193-member General Assembly — far more than the required 124 votes representing a two-thirds majority.
Loud applause rang out in the iconic hall of the General Assembly when its president, Dennis Francis, announced the winners of the five non-permanent seats — Pakistan, Denmark, Greece, Panama and Somalia — to replace Japan, Ecuador, Malta, Mozambique and Switzerland whose terms end on December 31. He congratulated them on their victory.
Pakistan will replace Japan, which currently occupies the Asian seat, on January 1, 2025, to begin a two-year term, its eighth.