IGP offers Eid prayers at Lines HQs

By U. Zee

ISLAMABAD: Inspector General of Police (IGP) Islamabad Syed Ali Nasir Rizwi along with other police officers offered Eid-ul-Adha prayers at the police line headquarters in Islamabad.
IGP Islamabad and police officers also prayed for the safety of the country and Muslim Ummah, as well as for the elevation of martyrs.
After offering prayers, the IGP Islamabad met with officers and congratulated them on the eve of Eid. A big meal was organized where the IGP Islamabad had dinner with other police officers.
IGP Syed Ali Nasir Rizvi said that all the divisions of the police deserve tribute for playing their role in ensuring the best security arrangements. He visited various units and divisions, meeting police officers on duty. He distributed Eid gifts to officers posted at checkpoints.
He said that the officers spent the Eid celebrations away from their families while performing their du-ties, and we should be proud of them. The most joyful thing for us is that we have been able to pro-tect our country and its people. Because of us, the people are able to celebrate a peaceful Eid, he added.
He further said that the brave sons who sacrificed their lives for the sake of peace are the proud assets of the Islamabad capital police.