China-Iran cultural program serves as a model for SCO members states

BEIJING: Iran became a full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization last year. Since then, the country has initiated a series of cultural exchanges with China. Our reporter Zhou Jiaxin sat down with Mr Ezzatallah Zarghami, Iranian Minister of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts to learn more about China-Iran cultural cooperation.
ZHOU JIAXIN CGTN Reporter “China and Iran have a great program of cultural, artistic, and educational exchanges over the years of 2023 to 2026. Last year, your country became a member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, or SCO, and Chinese president Xi Jinping also stressed the importance of exchanging among its members. With that in mind, what can we expect from the China-Iran program?”
EZZATOLLAH ZARGHAMI Iranian Minister of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts “In the field of art, film, book publishing, and cultural-related areas, cooperation has been well advanced.
Another important aspect is the cooperation in cultural heritage and the field of civilizations between the two countries, which I believe has been well implemented so far. –Agencies