Deeper Reforms advancing Chinese modernization

DM Monitoring

BEIJING: The 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has released the full text of its resolution called Further Deepening Reform Comprehensively to Advance Chinese Modernization.
The resolution outlines China’s policy direction for the next five years and beyond and is considered the most important outcome of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee.
The resolution states that China is working to become a high-standard socialist market economy in all respects by 2035. It also introduces over 300 reforms across various fields, with economic structural reform as the spearhead.
What are the priorities of China’s reform agenda? How will deeper reform foster the Chinese econo-my and modernization? Why does CPC third plenum matter to global investors? Host Xu Yawen joins Wang Dan, Chief Economist of Hang Seng Bank Chi-na, Josef Mahoney, Professor at East China Normal University, and Caglar Ku-zlukluoglu, Turkish Economist and Strategist.