Residents help shape city’s future

BEIJING: When the Caoyang subdistrict people’s congress in Shanghai’s Putuo district consulted the public on the revision of the Regulations on the Safety Management of Non-motor Vehicles in Shanghai two years ago, it held many meetings with residents.
Residents joined heated discussions to seek solutions, as many old residential compounds, such as Caoyang New Village, which was first built in the 1950s, were home to many electric bikes but had inadequate charging facilities.
“On one hand, it was unsafe to charge at home. On the other, the lack of public charging equipment would affect people’s travel,” said Zhou Ruanwen, director of the congress’ working committee.
The solution was to install charging equipment in public areas in the apartment complex, which people can use after scanning a QR code.
“The district later pledged to add 300,000 non-motor vehicle charging facilities within three years,” Zhou said.
“Such a solution was replicated in other parts of the city. Residents’ demands were truly answered.” President Xi Jinping put forward the major concept of “whole-process people’s democracy” in Shanghai in November 2019, and the municipality has put the concept into practice in the past few years. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item