ECO, ECI heads vow to enhance economic & cultural cooperation

By Hina Kiyani

ISLAMABAD: Secretary General ECO Asad Majeed Khan and President ECI Saad S Khan on Friday vowed to jointly work for the promotion of economic and cultural cooperation among 10 member states of Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO). The strategies for synergizing the efforts of the two sister regional bodies were discussed between the two sides.
Saad Khan said that the ECO Cultural Institute (ECI) was the oldest specialized agency of the ECO, working as the main arm for cultural activities. The President ECI also welcomed the new Secretary General ECO and wished him all the success during the tenure.
It may be mentioned that Pakistan is the founding member of both the ECO and its cultural agency ECI. It is for the first that the two organizations are headed by top Pakistani officials.
Asad Majeed Khan, the new Secretary General ECO, is a seasoned diplomat and the former Foreign Secretary of Pakistan.
On the other side, Saad Khan is a senior bureaucrat, an expert of international relations, and a renowned historian with eight books to his credit.