Chinese business delegation calls on Amir

By Asad Cheema

ISLAMABAD: A high-level Chinese business delegation, comprising Xinjiang Iron Brothers Co Ltd with four other prominent Chinese business entities held meeting with Federal Minister for Kashmir Affairs, Gilgit Baltistan and SAFRON Engr Amir Muqam here at ministry on Wednesday.
The delegation was led by Mr Yuan Jianmin (Senior & renowned Economist) along with members representing various business enterprises.
Secretary Ministry of Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit Baltistan Waseem Ajmal Chaudhry, Additional Secretary Kashmir Affairs and GB Khalid Ali Raza Gardezi and Joint Secretary Gilgit Baltistan Council Sudhir Khan Khattak. The delegation was warmly received by Ministry officials.
Federal Minister Engr Amir Muqam said that Pakistan and China share a comprehensive partnership, built on trust, economic cooperation l, security collaboration, cultural exchange, infrastructure development and global coordination.
He said that China share a border of approximately 595 km with Gilgit Baltistan. The border region has significant economic and cultural importance, with trade and cultural exchanges between the two regions dating back centuries.
He said that investing in GB can benefit both China and Pakistan, fostering economic growth, regional connectivity and a stronger partnership.
The delegation showed keen interest in construction of GB Special Economic Zone.
The delegation also showed keen interest for investments in key sectors of Pakistan including trade, agriculture, minerals, culture, cross border tourism, energy, chamber of commerce and enterprises.