Guangzhou medical expert awarded for ethnic unity

BEIJING: Xu Kewei, a member of the national medical team to provide services in the Xinjiang Uygur and Xizang autonomous regions, has been awarded at a grand meeting in Beijing held to honor role models for ethnic unity and progress on Friday, the Science and Technology Daily reported.
Xu is the vice-president of Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital and the dean of the Sun Yat-sen University School of Medicine. He has extensive experience in the diagnosis and treatment of urological diseases, with profound expertise in minimally invasive surgery for urinary tract stones.
In October 2018, Guangdong province and Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region launched a joint project to treat babies with lithiasis under Xu Kewei’s guidance.
Since the project’s launch, Xu and his team have provided free urological disease screenings for over 4,000 children from remote villages, and performed minimally invasive surgeries for 153 children with kidney stones from impoverished families in southern Xinjiang. Additionally, Xu led his team in mentoring local doctors, introducing advanced medical techniques to Kashgar. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item