Message form Editor-In-Chief – The 75th Anniversary of the Founding of The People’s Republic of China

Makhdoom Babar
President & Editor-In-Chief

Today, October 1 is a real landmark in the 5000-year-old civilization of the great Chinese nation as out all-weather and all-time tested Chinese friends would today will be celebrating their 75th National Day with pride and honour. Some 75 years back, the first step was taken towards the rebuilding of this spectacular nation on the earth. Ever since the rebuilding process was initiated, the Chinese nation responded tremendously to the call of their leadership. Mao’s thought, Deng Xiaoping’s economic vision, Jiang Zemin’s theory of Three Represent and Xi Jinping’s new era of leadership, governance and poverty alleviation has seen a peaceful development in China. The way the Chinese nation, under the wise, thoughtful and far-sighted leaderships at Beijing, made progress, made every nation on the earth to learn a lot and to take inspiration. specially the way Chinese leadership and nation responded to the challenge of tackling the COVID-19 Pandemic, it not only made the entire world to get deeply inspired by both the Chinese nation as well as the leadership at Beijing but the Chinese response to this deadly pandemic has come as a new normal for the global leaders and the world community.
Unbelievable elevation of foreign exchange reserves and foreign trade volume and surprising increase of GDP growth and per capita income are the factors that not only dramatically lifted the living standards of the general public in China but also placed the Chinese nation amongst the world’s most advanced, well-off and civilized societies. Maintaining of tremendous internal and foreign policies and the booming economy with pulling over 850 million of its citizens out of poverty and slums, China has undoubtedly indicted transformation of peaceful development into a Super Power.
Completely contrary to the style and policies of the existing Super power, China has achieved this status with grace and dignity. China is becoming the super power due to extraordinary foreign and domestic policies of its government and tremendous hard work of its people.
China is maintaining the policies if non-aggression, not poking nose in other’s affairs, spreading peace and harmony in the region and across the world solving, disputes through dialogue instead of using force, strengthening and sustaining economy and elevating living standards of its people. This type of government and such packages of domestic and foreign policies, undoubtedly establish China as an unchallengeable and the most acceptable Super Power of the world, which would be a symbol of peace and help for every nation across the globe.
Pakistani nation takes immense pride in enjoying exemplary friendly ties with People and government of China. Pakistan established diplomatic ties with China in 1951 but the two nations were tied up in a sacred bound of love and friendship far before this. There had been immense cooperation between the governments of Pakistan and China and a number of joint Sino-Pak ventures in the fields of Defence, economy and health are crystal clear examples of the depth of the strategic cooperation between Beijing and Islamabad. While the most vibrant segment of China’s Belt and Road Initiative , the CPEC ( China Pakistan Economic Corridor) has come as a new flower to this ever-fragrant bouquet of exemplary friendship , the co-project like creation of state-of-the-art fighter jet named JF-17 THUNDER and CHASNUPP series of programs of nuclear energy for power generation are being witnessed by history for years.
The CPEC where saw a phenomenal acceptance from general public and business and trade circles, there it also opened up the vision of Pakistani students who thronged China for further education. There was little development in the past in this direction and that was just because of the language barriers but ever since the Chinese people started learning English and Urdu, there is an unprecedented increase in people to people contact. The love amongst the Chinese people for Pakistan and of the Pakistanis for China can be gauged from one simple factor that the Urdu language classes at Chinese Universities and schools and Chinese language classes at Pakistani Educational Institutions are going full to the capacities with over 30,000 Pakistani students getting education across China with 5 top Pakistani Universities establishing Confucius Centers across Pakistan.
Similarly, Pakistani Markets are flooded with Urdu-Chinese language guidebooks. Even a minor and unofficial delegation or groups from China gets immense public response in Pakistan and people welcome them from their hearts without any official maneuvering or ‘arrangements’.
It is said that Pakistani and Chinese people are locked in a bound of very strong friendship. However, in my opinion it is not like this, the feelings of the people of these two nations for each other are something much beyond friendship- they are actually tied in a bound of LOVE, pure and sincere love. Pakistanis have friendly relations and friendship with many nations but when it comes to China and Chinese people, the feelings are totally different- it goes much, much beyond friendship.
In the direction of media, journalists from both the countries also enjoy shared perceptions and there are almost similar editorial policies of Pakistani and Chinese newspaper. The press friendly and open media policies of Chinese government are again a crystal clear example of how much freedom of expression is available in China, contrary to the western propagandas. It was just this media friendly atmosphere in China and Chinese government’s belief in freedom of press and freedom of expression that inspired The Daily Mail to establish its bureau offices in China back in 2005, so that joint media perception can be utilized more effectively. We very strongly believe that the Pakistani and Chinese media can play the most important role not only in protection and promotion of Pak-China bilateral relations as well as the CPEC but also in bringing the people of both countries even closer.
In the end I would like to extend our heartiest and sincere greeting to the government of China, the journalists of China and every single Chinese national across the globe on this auspicious occasion of their National Day. As the entire team of professionals at The Daily Mail joins me in extending these wishes, we salute the Chinese people to have make such a great progress in such a dramatic manner that is undoubtedly a real source of inspiration for any nation, striving for progress and development.
Long live China
Long Live Pak-
China Friendship