Companies in big cities offering lower wages to new recruits

BEIJING: Employers in China’s major cities offered lower wages to new recruits in the third quarter, according to a recent report by the recruitment portal Zhaopin.
Zhaopin said that based on the platform’s figures, the average salaries of new recruits in the nation’s 38 major cities including Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou in the southern province of Guangdong dropped by 2.5 percent in the third quarter to 10,058 yuan ($1,412) per month, compared with the previous quarter. The number also marked a slight decrease of 0.6 percent year-on-year.
Some metropolises and larger cities with stronger economic bases such as Shanghai and Beijing offered the highest average recruiting payment to jobseekers in the third quarter, with Shanghai around 13,544 yuan per month and Beijing 13,119 yuan per month on average.
The report said that financial industry remain the most alluring to jobseekers as employers in the sector offered highest payment to their new recruits. According to the report, funding and security companies and insurance companies offered an average monthly payment of 13,353 yuan and 12,541 yuan in the past quarter.
Job openings in sectors of modern services such as tourism and leisure saw an increase in the wages of new recruits in the third quarter thanks to the surge in travel demand over the summer. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item