‘Parliament reigns supreme,’ says PM after NA passes new law

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif declared Sunday a historic day for Pakistan, following the passage of the 26th Constitutional Amendment in the National Assembly. “Today, it’s been decided that parliament reigns supreme,” he said, as 225 members, including coali-tion partners and independent lawmakers, voted in favour of the bill.
Under the judicial reforms passed during a late-night session of parliament, the chief justice of Paki-stan will now be selected by a parliamentary committee and have a fixed term of three years. A new constitutional bench will also be formed.
The government clinched 225 votes of the required 224 with the crucial support of a handful of inde-pendent candidates. PTI had refused to back the package and did not participate in the voting.
Speaking on the floor of the House, the prime minister emphasised that the amendment represents not just a legal change, but a symbol of unity and consensus.
“This is more than an amendment; it is a reaffirmation of solidarity and agreement across political lines,” he noted.
Reflecting on the past, PM Shehbaz criticised what he termed “palace conspiracies” that led to the dismissal of governments and prime ministers.
He lamented that such actions had caused significant financial losses to the national treasury. “Billions were lost due to arbitrary decisions that harmed the country’s economy,” he said.
The prime minister also underscored the importance of justice, noting that millions of Pakistanis are still waiting for fairness in a system where cases have dragged on for years.
“There are people whose loved ones have passed away while waiting for justice. This amendment will make access to justice easier for the common man,” he said.
PM Shehbaz paid tribute to the late Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif, recalling that the Charter of De-mocracy they signed in 2006 laid the foundation for today’s constitutional reforms.
He also thanked political leaders like President Asif Zardari, PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari, JUI-F Emir Maulana Fazlur Rehman, and other allies for their role in making the amendment possible.
In a clear message to the opposition, the prime minister addressed accusations and criticism, stating that no one can question the legitimacy of this vote as it “wasn’t influenced by any ‘lotas’ (turncoats); this was the will of the elected representatives.”
He further expressed regret that the PTI did not participate in the process, though he maintained that the amendment was a victory for Pakistan.
“The entire country has witnessed that we set aside personal interests,” he added.
The prime minister concluded by thanking the Speaker of the National Assembly and all members who contributed to the passage of the amendment, reaffirming his belief that the reform will strengthen and safeguard the country’s future. –Agencies