Art exhibition concludes at PNCA

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: A ten-day successful art exhibition titled “Passages of Light” by Mueen Saheed and Bilaal Raji Saheed (Srilankan Artists) concluded at the National Art Gallery of Pakistan National Council of the Arts (PNCA) on Thursday.
Renowned artist, Mueen Saheed expressed his deep gratitude to the PNCA and the people of Pakistan for the warm welcome and hospitality, he received during his visit.
“I am pleased to have visited Pakistan and had the privilege of showcasing my work at such a prestigious venue. The exhibition at the National Art Gallery has been an exceptional experience for me”, Saheed said while reflecting on his time at the PNCA. In a heartfelt gesture, Mueen Saheed gifted one of his paintings to the PNCA for their permanent collection. The artwork was presented to PNCA’s Director General, Muhammad Ayoub Jamali. This generous contribution will be valuable to the PNCA’s permanent collection of national and international artworks.
Artist, Mueen Saheed extended his best wishes to the PNCA and expressed his hope for continued cultural collaboration between Pakistan and Sri Lanka, fostering a strong bond through the shared language of art.
Muhammad Ayoub Jamali, Director General PNCA, thanked Mueen Saheed for his contribution and dedication to promoting cultural exchange through his artistic endeavors.