Romina highlights visual arts’ role in wildlife protection

By Ali Imran

ISLAMABAD: Coordinator to Prime Minister on Climate Change, Romina Khurshid Alam on Friday said that while the climate change impacts grow more frequent and intense, innovative approaches such as painting and visual arts can play a vital role to sensitise policymakers and public about various threats being faced by the wildlife species.
“In the face of escalating threats to wildlife and their habitats, the role of painting and visual art has never been seen more crucial as in today’s times of global warming. Artists can effectively use their talents to illuminate the pressing issues surrounding wildlife vulnerability, inspiring action and fostering a deeper connection between communities and the natural world,” the PM’s climate aide remarked during her keynote address at an inaugural ceremony of the Wildlife Art Exhibition here at the Pakistan National Council of Arts.
Through compelling imagery, artists’ role is of unprecedented importance to highlight the beauty and fragility of endangered species and threatened ecosystems for public awareness. Because, paintings and visual have always served as powerful visual narratives that hold the power to effectively engage the public, prompting conversations about the urgent need for conservation.
Romina Khurshid Alam observed that art possesses the unique ability to evoke emotions and cultivate empathy. Therefore, by exhibiting wildlife in their natural habitats, artists can play an effective role to encourage viewers to reflect on the struggles faced by these creatures and the environmental challenges threatening their existence.
Art can also help people reflect cultural values and perspectives on nature. By amplifying local voices and traditional ecological knowledge, artists contribute to a richer understanding of conservation and the diverse ways communities engage with wildlife, she added.
“Artists are natural storytellers, using their work to convey the interconnectedness of species and ecosystems. Through their paintings, they educate audiences about the impacts of habitat loss, climate change, and pollution, creating a sense of urgency and responsibility,” she emphasised.
Highlighting the important role of visual and painting arts in raising a call for action, the arts through their painting and visual artwork not only can enhance awareness but also serve as a call to action. By showcasing the vulnerability of wildlife, artists motivate individuals and communities to participate in conservation efforts and advocacy initiatives, turning concern into meaningful change.
She said that art exhibitions showcasing artwork on endangered wildlife and their threatened habitats can also create opportunities for education and advocacy.
“As we confront the urgent challenges facing wildlife and their habitats, the role of painting and visual art remains crucial in raising awareness and inspiring action,” she stressed.
The PM’s climate aide highlighted that in storytelling through visuals, artists are effectively able to play a vital role, using their work to illustrate the effects of climate change on landscapes, wildlife and human lives. These visual narratives not only highlight the challenges we face but also showcase potential solutions, empowering communities to envision a more sustainable future, she added.
Romina Khurshid Alam remarked, “In a world increasingly split by language and culture, visual arts transcends barriers and communicates complex ideas in an accessible manner, ensuring that diverse audiences can understand and engage with climate issues. This inclusivity is crucial for fostering a global movement toward sustainability.”
The PM’s climate aide said further that attending today’s paintings of threatened wildlife species, their habitats and the climate change-caused risks they face, we can confidentially say that today’s artists have become environmentally sensitive and feel the responsibility to communicate for increased need for public response to the environment and adopt a lifestyle that does not harm environment and aggravate climate impacts.
“It’s heartening to observe that today’s painting and visual artists effectively envision a sustainable future through their work, offering hope and innovative solutions. By presenting optimistic perspectives, painting inspires individuals and communities to take meaningful steps toward environmental stewardship,” she emphasized.
While addressing the media in her concluding remarks, PM’s climate aide Romina Khurshid Alam stressed that while the global community confronts the challenges posed by climate change, the role of painting and visual art in communication and advocacy cannot be overstated.
She pledged to play her part with relevant stakeholders including climate artists, activists, advocates, communicators and media to jointly harness the transformative power of art to inspire action, foster understanding and create a sustainable future for all.