Bugti terms irresponsible remarks on Balochistan as regretful

QUETTA: “Irresponsible statements over Balochistan for political motives are regretful,” Chief Minister of the province Sarfaraz Bugti said on Sunday.
“I reject claims of Omar Ayub or anyone else, with regard to eight districts of the province,” provincial chief minister said.
Sarfaraz Bugti said that the government knows well how to establish its writ, “opening the highways is not an issue,” he said.
“It happened in the past in Gwadar, but the highways were opened,” he reiterated. “The government always observes restraint”, chief minister said. He regretted irresponsible statements about the province and stressed that the government’s writ has been established.
“I didn’t say anytime that the law-and-order situation has been perfect,” Bugti said. “The forces will soon control the terrorism,” he added. –Agencies