Nawaz trying for another NRO, claims Imran

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan claimed that former Nawaz Sharif is trying to get another National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO).

Addressing a press conference here, the PTI chief further said that the ideology of Nawaz is corruption and alleged that former finance minister Ishaq Dar is Nawaz’s frontman.

“It is all a mafia. They are all involved [in corruption],” the PTI chief alleged.

“Where is Ishaq Dar getting all the money from? They’re all interlinked. We are facing a mafia,” he said, adding that the

“Hudaibiya Paper Mills is the real money trail.”

“Nawaz, Shehbaz and Dar are all money launderers,” and added that Saaed Shaikh in the United States and Saiful Rehman in Qatar are also frontmen for the Sharif family, Imran alleged while reading documents which he said prove the Sharif family has been looting the public for decades.

“Ishaq Dar has 11 companies in Dubai. Hussain Nawaz and Safdar are also employees of these companies,” claimed the PTI chairman.

He also said the Sharif brothers are also trying to get a new NRO in order to save themselves.

“I think they would hold the legs of Saudi monarchs,” the PTI chief said, adding, “Whether they go to Saudi Arabia, or touch Trump’s feet; it isn’t going to save their money.”

Imran said the reason Nawaz is “raising so much hue and cry over his ouster is that he is afraid the rest of his [ill-gotten] wealth would be disclosed next.”

The PTI chief further said Nawaz, Maryam and PML-N’s ministers are attacking the judiciary and assured the courts that the entire nation stands with the judiciary.

“The courts should not feel any pressure from this mafia,” and added that action should be taken against them or the contempt of court law should be abolished.

Imran said he had been waiting for Nawaz to start the ‘campaign’ that the PML-N leader had said he would. “But now we are finding out, these [two] brothers are starting the campaign in Saudi Arabia.”

While talking of his London flat, the PTI chief said he provided the courts with all the documents that they asked for regarding his properties.

“But all they [Sharif family] have is a Qatari letter to show for the billions of rupees they have looted from this nation.”

He added that the Sharifs are afraid of accountability which is why they are creating “so much noise”.

“I respectfully ask the courts to either take action or abolish the contempt of court rule,” he said.

The PTI chairman also questioned why the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) was not pursuing the fraud in the Multan Metro project.

“The metro fraud was to be investigated by Pakistan’s SECP but Chinese SECP did it. Why did NAB not probe it?”

“The fraud was caught in China, now think what has happened in other metro projects,” said Imran.

He also said Shehbaz Sharif cannot save himself from the Hudaibiya Paper Mills case.

Referring to the Model Town incident and his ‘alliance’ with PAT chief Dr Tahirul Qadri, Imran said it is a humanitarian issue and he will always support Qadri in raising voice against the injustice.

Imran had said in a tweet on Thursday that the Panama and iqama issues were only the tip of the iceberg.

“I have always maintained Panama and Iqama were only a tip of the corruption iceberg. Tomorrow in my press conference I will reveal more facts about the ill-gotten wealth/properties stashed abroad by the Sharifs & their corruption mafia,” he had posted.

Reacting to Imran Khan’s press conference, PML-N leader and Minister of State for Interior Talal Chaudhry said the PTI chief has himself admitted he cannot defeat PML-N politically.

“This is why Imran Khan is taking help from courts because he cannot strike us down [on his own],” Talal told Geo News.

The PML-N leader pointed out that 16 different judges from four courts had dismissed the Hudaibiya Paper Mills case.