FO condemns unprovoked ceasefire violations by India on LoC

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Office summoned Indian Deputy High Commissioner JP Singh and condemned unprovoked ceasefire violations by Indian occupation forces in Ghasla village of Mandal Sector along the Line of Control (LoC).
One woman, Nusrat Bibi, has martyred as a result of the firing.

FO Spokesperson Dr Muhammad Faisal

In a statement, Foreign Office Spokesperson Dr Muhammad Faisal said the deliberate targeting of civilian populated areas was indeed deplorable and contrary to human dignity, international human rights and humanitarian laws.
He said ceasefire violations by India were a threat to regional peace and security and may lead to a strategic miscalculation.
The spokesperson said in 2018, the Indian forces carried out more than 1400 ceasefire violations along the Line of Control and the Working Boundary, resulting in martyrdom of 30 innocent civilians and injuring 121 others.