Global Media Co-op Forum on BRI held in Boao 

From Mahnoor Makhdoom

BOAO (China): The annual largest meeting of global media leaders that is called the Media Cooperation Forum on Belt and Road initiative held its edition of year 2018 here at Boao on Tuesday. The event was co-hosted by the largest Chinese newspaper People’s Daily, the CPC Hainan Provincial Committee and the local government of Hainan, Southern China’s island province.
The theme for this year’s forum was  “Contribution by All, Benefits for All.” From the platform of the forum a stronger media role in understanding and promoting the Belt and Road Initiative was sought.
Addressing the opening ceremony, Ji Bingxuan, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China, said the initiative complies with the current international situation and the common wish for better development.
It is China’s contribution to promote international cooperation, global governance and prosperity and the community with shared future for mankind, said Ji. He called for a solid role for media in making the public more aware of the peaceful development, openness and innovation embodied in the initiative.
The international cooperation inspired by the Belt and Road Initiative is led by China and its benefits are shared by the world, and it also brings opportunities for media to find good stories and potential partners, said Jiang Jianguo, deputy director of the Publicity Department of the CPC.
Addressing the nation ,Li Baoshan, President of People’s Daily, refuted doubts and misconceptions about the initiative, and stressed that its projects are all about economic development and built on the consensus of openness and cooperation. Participants respect the international norms and rules as they pursue win-win cooperation, said Li, adding that media could enhance their cooperation and bring people’s hearts and minds closer.
The forum was attended by 256 delegates from over 90 countries and organizations and 205 media agencies from all over the world.
Forum’s agenda also included a proposal to set up a media alliance to better develop the initiative and briefings on policies of the Hainan Free Trade Pilot Zone and the island province’s first international film festival, which is schedule for december. The preparations for film festival are in full swing in Hainan and it is being eagerly awaited.