PM Khan tells EP President Tajani of Pakistan's reservations over blasphemous caricatures

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan holds strict reservations over blasphemous caricatures, Prime Minister Imran Khan told European Union Parliament (EP) Antonio Tajani during a call the latter made to the former Tuesday night, according to a notification issued by the PM House.

Khan also informed Tajani of his request to the European countries to double their efforts to clamp down on events such as the one organised by Dutch anti-Islam lawmaker Geert Wilders and cancelled later, on August 30.

The premier explained to the EP chief that people of the European nations should be made aware of the Muslims’ beliefs and the religious sensitivity surrounding the issue of blasphemous caricatures.

There is a dire need, at present, for countries around the world to respect each others’ religion, beliefs, and sentiments, as well as to make efforts and hold dialogue to promote intercultural and interreligious harmony.

In response, the EP president said the European Union would continue its cooperation with the government of Pakistan and informed Khan that the Parliament has deferred its discussions pertaining to Asia Bibi, a Christian acquitted by the Supreme Court of Pakistan of blasphemy allegations back on October 31.

On Twitter, Tajani wrote: “He assured me that Asia Bibi and her family are safe and well.”

“We fully agreed on the need to respect all religions, everywhere in the world,” he added.

Further, Khan said the government will respect the decision of the Supreme Court and that, as Pakistani citizens, Bibi and her family have complete legal rights.