Indian forces arrest 44 youths in IoK raids

Indian security forces arrested 44 Kashmiri youth in Shopian and Pulwama districts of Indian Occupied Kashmir.

According to Kashmir media, 38 people were arrested during night raids in Tahab and Chewakalan areas of Pulwama, while six others were arrested in Vehil and Narwah areas of Shopian.

Elections are scheduled to be held in Pulwama and Shopian districts on Monday during the final phase of the Indian elections in occupied Kashmir.

In April, the occupying Indian army martyred 13 Kashmiris including a young boy.

According to data collected by the Research Section of Kashmir Media Service, 132 people were critically injured by pellets, bullets and teargas shells over the course of the month.

At least 182 civilians, mostly youth and Hurriyat leaders and activists, were arrested and several of them were booked under the black law, Public Safety Act. Indian troops also molested six women and damaged 20 houses during April.