Pakistan’s legal team reaches The Hague for ICJ’s Kulbhushan verdict tomorrow

Pakistan’s legal arrived at The Hague in the Netherlands to hear the International Court of Justice (ICJ) verdict in the case of convicted Indian spy Kulbbushan Jadhav.

The Pakistani team is headed by the Attorney General for Pakistan Anwar Mansoor Khan. The team also includes Foreign Office Spokesperson Muhammad Faisal. The ICJ will announce its verdict in Kulbhushan case tomorrow. According to reports, the judgement will be announced at 3pm Hague time (6pm PST).

Jadhav was arrested on March 3, 2016, from Balochistan on allegations of espionage and terrorism. In 2017, the spy was sentenced to death in 2017.  The same year the Jadhav filed a mercy petition against the death penalty. Following the plea, on India’s appeal, the ICJ ordered a stay in Jadhav’s execution.

This year in February, the ICJ conducted a four-day public hearing in which legal teams from both Pakistan and India presented their arguments.