Premier to hold massive Kashmir solidarity rally in Muzzafarabad on Friday

Prime Minister Imran Khan announced that he would hold a rally in Muzzafarabad later this week to send the world a message regarding the military curfew imposed in Indian-occupied Kashmir.

In a message posted on the social networking platform Twitter, the prime minister said that the rally would aim to show the world that the people of Pakistan stand in solidarity with people of occupied Kashmir.

“I am going to do a big jalsa in Muzzafarabad on Friday 13 Sept, to send a message to the world about the continuing siege of IOJK by Indian Occupation forces; & to show the Kashmiris that Pakistan stands resolutely with them,” the premier tweeted.

PM Imran is set to address the United Nations later this month to highlight Indian atrocities in the occupied valley in front of world leaders. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the UN the same day.

Earlier this week, PM Imran had welcomed the growing concern from leaders and organisations around the world pertaining to India’s rights violations in occupied Kashmir.

In his Twitter post, PM Imran said he appreciated the calls by the international community, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR) “for India to lift its 6-week long siege of IOJK”

“The international community must not remain indifferent to the massive human rights abuses by Occupation Indian forces under cover of a brutal siege,” the premier said.

Speaking of the UNHCHR, he said he really appreciated its statement issued on Monday that had called on India to ease the restrictions in occupied Kashmir.

PM Imran requested the UN Human Rights Council to set up an independent probe right away to investigate human rights violations in occupied Kashmir.

India PM Modi had revoked the special constitutional status of occupied Kashmir on August 5 and imposed a military curfew in the valley, imprisoning thousands of ordinary Kashmiris.