Westren propaganda over Xinjiang exposed in live talk show

By Ajmal Khan Yousafzai

ISLAMABAD: Chairman of the Pak-China Media Friendship Association and Editor in Chief of The Daily Mail Makhdoom Babar has said that the Western news on Xinjiang were completely concocted and funny as the people of Xinjiang were living happy and prosperous life. He expressed these views during a live talk show, aired by China Radio International on its Urdu FM Channel the FM 98, Dosti Channel here yesterday.
To a question, he said that from his experience there were certain Western countries that have used all sorts of propaganda to twist China’s arm for its leadership’s vision about development through BRI and CPEC. “I visited the so called concentration camps and torture centers, in my recent visit to Xinjiang”, said Makhdoom Babar, He affirmed that the news propagation on Western media was concocted and disinformation as “we prayer in the Eidgah Mosque which the US media claims to be destroyed while the British media claims, that the mosque is closed for religious activities” he added.
To another question, Makhdoom Babar said that there was enough evidence to prove that foreign agencies were involved in creating chaos in Xinjiang . “But the Chinese officials are dealing cautiously with the foreign elements, keeping in view the national policy of not letting any harm to the diplomatic ties with global community” he asserted. He further said that Xinjiang was very important in BRI initiative and CPEC, therefore Xinjiang was targeted with violence and unrest but once Chinese authorities managed to overpower this menace successfully, the perpetuators of violence across Xinjiang opted to launch a psychological warfare against China and thus started orchestrating fake media campaigns. “The people ofXinjiang are living a very happy and prosper life and his 25 years old son accompanied him on his visit, getting glimpses of the student’s life, wished to get enrolled for further studies” said Makhdoom Babar while replying to a question.
To next question, he said the deputy commissioner of Kashgar prefecture was a local Muslim lady; she guided us to the Eidgah Mosque and the old market, where we witnessed religious activities and participated in it. He further stated that in Xinjiang there were music, dance and cafes such as like in developed world.
While, talking of the Eidgah Masqoue, Makhdoom Babar said that we talked to the imam after the prayer and he explained that the CCTV and little security was because a few years back some militants killed our Mosque Imam, now this is for our protection and security. “The imam said that the news of western media is false and totally wrong” Makhdoom Babar added.
He also spoke of his friend, who he met after a decade in the old market where his shop was located. “Mardan Qadeer had a bicycle but now he owns motorcar, life has prospered” Makhdoom Babar added. He said, that while talking to Qadeer about the western news on Xinjiang, “Qadeer explained that few years back, the government of Xinjiang proposed law for the couples to be allowed to work, therefore, now my wife runs salon while I have my shop. While, the women lacked technical skills, therefore vocational and technical centers were opened for them. Now, the west claims these centers to be the torture and concentration camps”.
Replying to a question, Makhdoom Babar said back in 2006, when I came got room in this hotel where I resided this time. Back then, it seemed to be located in the outskirts but now the hotel was in the middle of the city. “Back then a few hotels, but now many though it wasn’t easy to find accommodation as many tourists were on trips to Xinjiang and the rooms were expensive than Beijing and Shanghai” Makhdoom Babar explained.
“We visited the centers which the west claims to be concentration camps, we found students learning and getting skills, also played tennis with them and exchanged views with them”, for the students there were libraries, play grounds and labs equipped with latest tools for better education, Makhdoom Babar added. He further said that the Chinese government is trying to provide opportunities for the locals to get skills and education to compete in the real life.
Makhdoom Babar further said that the University of Kashgar was as similar as to Punjab University and at their canteen was Halal food and Islamic department. “The Islamic center was located on top of mountain resembling to our Damankoh in Islamabad, where we reached at Asar time and prayed with the locals, here I would say that the claims on Quran confiscation were total false, as we witnessed students were reciting Quran at the center for Islamic Studies” Mkhdoom Babar added.
“I ask those who question China for being torturing Muslims for their religious belongings, is that who raised the issue of Indian Occupied Kashmir, of course China. They took up this issue in United Nations, so, tell me who are in Indian Occupied Kashmir- the Muslims, then why would they take up this particular issue at the United Nations” said Makhdoom Babar while replying to the last question.
In his concluding remarks, Makhdoom Babar said that the people of Pakistan must remember that China always stood with Pakistan and Pakistani.
The Pak-China friendship had become an eye soaring for many across the world and these many were bent upon only one mission and that was to create a gulf between people of two nations and to create misunderstandings amongst the 2 governments and that was why these global elements were creating one after the other fake scams and scandals. He noted with great dismay and regret that there were few media houses and individual journalists in Pakistan, who, in lust to earn a few extra bucks, started to toe Western propagation against China which immensely tragic and shameful. “Media has to play a vital role and not be deceived by the foreign Media concocted stories”, Makhdoom Babar concluded.