Afghan Special Unit starts security operation for TAPI project

LASHKAR GAH: A special combat unit of Afghan security forces has started operation to stabilize Afghanistan’s war-ravaged provinces involving a major gas pipeline project, an official said Monday. Construction work of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) pipeline project in Afghan territory was inaugurated in February 2018.
However, less works has been done in Afghanistan terrain so far as security issue over the construction and maintenance of the line has remained big concerns.
“The formation of the new security unit is part of government efforts to provide security for the Highway One crossing from Delaram district, Nimroz province to Maiwand district, Kandahar province onward to Greshk district in the neighboring Helmand province,” Omar Zwak, Helmand provincial government spokesman, told Xinhua.
The TAPI pipeline is expected to pass through five Afghan provinces, namely Herat, Farah, Nimroz, Helmand and Kandahar. “The 700-member combat unit, tasked to provide security for TAPI project, was formed two months ago, but the unit started operation a couple of days ago,” Zwak added.
The official noted that “although, work on the TAPI project has not still practically started, the unit has begun the hard-duty and already managed to ensure enormous change in the security of most parts of Helmand province.” –Agencies