Rawat mocked over ridiculous remarks

ISLAMABAD: Indian Army Chief Bipin Rawat’s statement of attacking alleged camps in control areas of Azad Kashmir has been mocked around the world including by the Indian media.
Journalist Snehesh Alex Philip wrote in an article that the remarks of the Army Chief were surprising because this is a first in recent times when an Indian Army Chief was giving out speculative figures, making India a joke around the world.
“The security forces usually give out official details only after recovering the bodies as proof or after proper verification”, he asserted adding that political leaders, election strategists, journalists and people at large had started joking about the his ridiculous statement and how it happened just ahead of the polling day.
Snehesh went on to say that the Army sent out multiple messages asking everyone not to speculate and even issued a formal statement tojournalists on the beat without giving out any casualty figures but within a few hours, the Indian Army Chief surprised everyone by making a statement contrary to the facts.
“The Indian Army should remember that it is not only important for it to be apolitical but also to be seen as being apolitical,” he maintained. On Oct. 22, Pakistan arranged the visit of the diplomatic corps in Islamabad alongwith media, including foreign media, by helicopter to the site of recent Indian ceasefire violations which resulted in the shahadats of five innocent civilians on the Pakistani side and injuries to six others, Foreign Office said in a statement.
After the baseless and fallacious statement of the Indian Army Chief alleging that recent Indian ceasefire violations were targeting ‘launch pads/terrorist camps’ on the Pakistani side of the LoC, Pakistan requested the Indian High Commission in Islamabad to share details, including longitudes and latitudes of the alleged location to back the Indian allegations. No response has been received so far from India, the statement said.It added that the diplomatic corps and media were taken to the LoC, including Jura to witness firsthand the fallacy of the Indian claims.
The Indian High Commission officials in Islamabad were also invited but did not show up. The irresponsible allegations of the Indian Army Chief and the lack of response from India when asked to back its hollow assertions with details of the alleged “launch pads/ camps” not only expose the lies and deceit being employed as state policy and Indian aggressive posture which is a growing threat to regional peace and stability.
The visit further exposed the Indian falsehood to the international community and the desperate attempts being resorted by India to divert international attention from the humanitarian nightmare in IOJ&K.
Pakistan does not harbor any aggressive designs but our armed forces and people remain ready to defend the country against any acts of aggression, the statement concluded.–Agencies