President preaches for Global Peace

Bureau Report
LAHORE: President Dr. Arif Alvi Saturday said peace was not only the priority of Pakistan but that of the entire world also as it a guaranteed people’s
prosperity and development of countries.
He was addressing an event on ‘Youth mobilization on Peace Building’ participated by foreign students visiting Pakistan under International Students Week in
Pakistan (ISWIP) here at Alhamra Hall. Punjab Housing Minister Mian Mahmoodur
Rasheed, ISWIP President Arqam Zaheer and General Secretary Ali Mustafa also spoke on the occasion.
The president said when Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) came into power, the Prime Minister Imran Khan took charge of the office, his first message was about
peace. On the other hand the people of Indian Occupied Kashmir were under great stress and trauma as they were being denied even their basic rights by India,
he said. The world community would have to play its effective role to bring peace in the held valley ensuring the rights of Kasmiris, he added.
Dr. Arif Alvi said Prime Minister Imran Khan had told the world that Pakistan, India and other third world countries were faced with similar issues, including
peace and security. He said it was easy to start a war but it had its own dynamics as once started it even went out of control of its perpetrators. Since the
war was not a solution to any problem, so the world community must have to make joint efforts for resolving global issues in a peaceful manner, he added.
Peace, he said, would automatically be established in region when the people were given a peaceful atmosphere and an enabling environment to earn their
livelihood. It would also bring prosperity and development in the region.
The president said Pakistan was a peace-loving country, which always welcomed everyone, and had been playing its due role in resolving the global issues
including peace and global warming. He said Pakistan was a youth hub having great potential to help resolve the global issues. Cultural exchange, music and
poetry were also the roads to peace, he added.
He termed the ISWIP event a great effort to mobilizing the youth to work for peace around the world, and advised the students to also focus on global warming
that was affecting world environment and people’s living. An active participation of the youth and children could help overcome environmental issues, he added,
citing that PTI government also focused on the involvement of two segments of society in its tree plantation drive, and other initiatives aimed at improving
the environment.
The president said foreign students were cultural and peace ambassadors of their countries, who, he hoped, would highlight the real and soft image of Pakistan
to the world.
He said the PTI government was all committed to ensure equal rights and opportunities for everyone, besides empowering the women to enable them play their role
in the national development.
President Dr. Arif Alvi on the occasion also gave away shields to Provincial Minister Mian Mahmoodur Rasheed and other event organizers. The minister presented
a souvenir to the President as a memento to the event.