President pushes world community on Kashmir

By Shakeel Ahmed
ISLAMABAD: President Dr Arif Alvi has said that India’s illegal and unilateral actions to alter the disputed status of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir and suspension of civil liberties constitute human rights violations of the people of the valley.
Talking to Chairman, European Union Military Committee, General Claudio Graziano, in Islamabad, he emphasized that the world community must play its role to alleviate the suffering of Kashmiri people at the hands of fascist Indian regime, and moral principles must not be sacrificed at the altar of economic interests.
The President said the humanitarian situation because of the extremist policies of India in Kashmir would result in forced migration and all-out efforts must be made to prevent such forced migration from Kashmir.  Appreciating the visit the President Arif Alvi said it would help in understanding and enhancing future defense cooperation between Pakistan and EU.
He said Pakistan looked forward to interacting closely with the new EU Parliament as well as the European Commission. He also highlighted that Pakistan – EU cooperation is based on shared values of democracy, pluralism, mutual understanding, and respect.
The Chairman European Union Military Committee said that the European Union fully supported the human rights of the Kashmiri people.
Meamwhile, President called for joint efforts at international level for preservation of environment to make the globe a better place to live for coming generations.