'India might resort to covert operations'

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi warned that India might resort to a “false flag operation” to divert attention from Jammu and Kashmir following a UN Security Council meeting to discuss the issue. “To divert international attention, most probably India will resort to some false flag operation. We want to tell the international community that we have doubts about India’s intentions.
We know their plans and the nation is ready for it,” he said. In a letter to the Security Council on Aug. 13, Qureshi asked for an urgent meeting on Jammu and Kashmir after its special autonomous status was revoked by India. Indian-administered Kashmir has remained under lockdown, with phone and internet services suspended since the decision on Aug. 5.
Following the Security Council meeting Qureshi addressed a joint press conference with Pakistan army spokesman Maj. Gen. Asif Ghafoor, who said that Islamabad was ready to “defend any misadventures on the part of India.”
Pakistan’s Foreign Office had formed a special committee to discuss future action on the issue, Qureshi said. Kashmir desks will be established at various Pakistani embassies around the world “in order to carry out effective communication on the matter,” he said.
“The committee on Kashmir has members from all concerned parties, including members of opposition parties.” Qureshi praised the Security Council’s call to all parties to refrain from action that could aggravate the situation. “We achieved a milestone yesterday, which shocked India. The Kashmir issue was raised at a platform which is responsible for resolving the dispute,” he said.
The foreign minister commended the “indomitable and unbroken spirit” of residents in Indian-administered Kashmir, saying that despite the curfew Kashmiris came out of their houses on Friday to offer special prayers.“It was a glimpse into their emotions, into what it will be like after the curfew lifts,” he said. Qureshi said that world bodies have responded positively to Pakistan’s call to discuss the issue.
“The Organization of Islamic Cooperation has called for an immediate end to the curfew,” he said. Discussing India’s move to revoke Article 370 of the constitution, Qureshi said: “Pakistan does not recognize Article 370 of the Indian constitution, it is not our concern. Our concern is with the forceful change in Kashmir’s demographic and violation of the rights of the people of Kashmir.” Meanwhile, Ghafoor said that the Pakistan army will respond to any act of aggression by India.
“Pakistan is a responsible state, but India has always threatened us. We are planning how to manage the threats from India,” he said.
“At present, the biggest issue in Jammu and Kashmir is human rights violations. The entire region has been turned into a prison,” Ghafoor said.–Agencies