China shows trash can to US Senate’s controversial HK bill

From Mahnoor Makhdoom
BEIJING: In a very strong yet rare reaction, Beijing on Wednesday showed trash can to US Senate’s highly controversial bill that supports violent protestors in China’s Special administrative Region, Hong Kong and that has been dubbed as a piece of trash  and a completely abnormal document by global analysts and professional practitioners across the world. The US move earned a very powerful reaction from otherwise very soft tuned diplomats of Beijing as a spokesperson for the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of China’s State Council on Wednesday made serious protest to and strongly condemned the passing of the so-called Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019 by the U.S. Senate.
The U.S. Senate passed the act on Tuesday local time despite strong opposition from the Chinese government.
The move grossly interfered in Hong Kong affairs and China’s internal affairs, seriously violated international laws and the basic norms governing international relations and blatantly bolstered the opposition and radical violent criminals in Hong Kong, which once again laid bare in front of the whole world the overbearing nature of some U.S. politicians and their evil attempt to contain China’s development, said spokesperson Yang Guang.
The continuous violent criminal activities in Hong Kong have seriously trampled the rule of law and social order, disturbed Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability, challenged the bottom line of the “one country, two systems” principle, Yang said, adding that some of the violent behaviors were inhumane and appalling.
Facts have proved that the biggest risk facing Hong Kong now is rampant violence, not the so-called issue of democracy and human rights, Yang said, adding that the behaviors of some U.S. politicians have completely confused right and wrong and confounded black and white, and are double standards with total disregard to principles.
Yang underscored the Chinese government’s unswerving determination to protect national sovereignty, security and development interests, implement the “one country, two systems” policy and oppose any external force in interfering in Hong Kong’s affairs.
“Nothing can stop the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,” he said, noting that Hong Kong will maintain long-term prosperity and stability with the strong support of the motherland and the law-based rights and freedoms of Hong Kong residents will be fully protected.
“We advise some U.S. politicians to immediately stop interfering in Hong Kong affairs, and abandon those foolish moves that benefit nobody but instead hurt themselves,” he said.