Premier committed on change slogan

Staff Report
MIANWALI: Prime Minister Imran Khan on Friday said that his objective is not to “save my seat” but to bring about a real change.
The prime minister made those remarks while putting the foundation stone for a hospital in Mianwali his political constituency.
While, talking about his arch-rival Nawaz Sharif, the PM said that when he saw the former premier climbing the stairs of the plane he remembered the doctors’ reports.
The prime minister said that in the reports it was written that “the patient had heart problems, kidney problems, high sugar and if the patient is not allowed to go abroad then he will be ‘gone’ [forever].”
PM Imran wondered if Sharif’s recovery owes to the luxurious plane he travelled in or to the London climate. He said that he seeks clarity on the issue and that the matter needs to be investigated.
“After seeing him climb the stairs of the airplane, I once again looked at the medical reports,” he said. “The reports said that his heart was also in a bad condition, his kidneys were also not well and he had diabetes. I said to myself ‘God is great’,” he added.
The prime minister taunted Nawaz again by saying that maybe the PML-N chief had recovered by simply looking at the plane.
“Maybe he looked at the plane and got healed since it was such a magnificent plane,” he said. “A common man cannot travel in such an aircraft.”
The prime minister launched into a tirade against former finance minister Ishaq Dar and Nawaz’s son, Hasan Nawaz.
“Hasan Nawaz lives in a house worth Rs8 billion in London,” he said. “Where did that money come from?”
He said that Dar’s father owned a bicycle shop but his son had become a billionaire.
“Musharraf gave the Sharifs an NRO,” he said. “I am not here to save my seat. If I give these people an NRO, the country will have no future.”
Prime Minister Imran said that when he was called to court about his property, he gave 60 documents in 10 months’ time.
The premier, apart from the political discourse, also touched upon the quality of healthcare in the region.
He recalled that when he had started his politics 23 years ago he realised that there were no doctors or hospitals in Mianwali.
“I will solve issues relating to healthcare in Mianwali,” he said. “Then we will solve the problem of water and education.”
Agencies add: Prime Minister Imran Khan Friday said that with the current account deficit turned into surplus and fiscal deficit into primary surplus, Pakistan’s economy had finally been put into right direction.
Addressing a ceremony to launch work on seven mega development projects in education, health, tourism and water supply projects, the prime minister said after tackling the economic challenge, the government would now fully focus on uplifting the living standard of the common man.
Chief Minister of Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar, Punjab Health Minister Dr Yasmeen Rashid, Commerce Adviser Abdur Razak Dawood and provincial cabinet members accompanied the prime minister.
Earlier, the prime minister broke ground for a Mother and Child Hospital, Bulk Water Supply scheme for Khattak belt and Isa Khel, Restoration and Widening of Urban and Rural Roads in Mianwali, Dualization of Sargodha-Mianwali Road Phase-I, Restoration of Water Supply Scheme in Mianwali and Upgradation of existing and construction of new schools in Mianwali.
The prime minister also inaugurated Water Sports and Tourism Club in Mianwali as a full-fledged tourist resort with 21 water boats and 30 rooms for accommodation.
The prime minister said the construction of the mother and child care hospital would fulfill the longstanding demand of the area who used to carry their patients to Lahore or Islamabad.
He said it were the people of Mianwali who had elected him for the first time. He said beginning with the construction of the hospitals, the government would also resolve the issues of water supply and education for the people of Mianwali.