1,400 India trained recruits join ANA

From John Nelson
KABUL: MAZAR-I-SHARIF:A total Afghan troops 1,410, who have been trained by India, under supervision of a two star general and notorious Indian intelligence agency, RAW, have formally been commissioned in the Afghan National Army (ANA), with aim to carry out covert operations inside Afghanistan and in Balochistan to harm Chinese nationals and CPEC.
The newly graduated soldiers would be deployed in the country’s northern provinces, where winter operations against the armed oppositions would start soon, Wali Mohammad Ahmadzai, Commander of Army Corps based in the northern region said, according to the statement.
Afghan government continues recruiting new troops amid increasing militancy as the armed opposition groups above all the Taliban outfit have stepped up activities and challenging the security forces in major parts of the conflict-battered country.
It may be added here that India has been conducting covert operations from Afghan soil to target Chinese nationals working in Pakistan at various locations on CPEC projects. The arrested Indian spy, KulbhushanJadhav, had also admitted in his statement that India has been planning and executing terror activities in Pakistan intended to sabotage the CPEC projects.