NA passes resolution against India's citizenship law

By Uzma Zafar
ISLAMABAD: The National Assembly on Monday unanimously approved a resolution against India’s new citizenship law, calling it violation of human rights, international laws and discriminatory against Muslims. The resolution urged the international community to exert pressure over India to ensure the rights of minorities in general and protect the rights of Muslims in particular. The NA also demanded of the world to take notice of the discriminatory bill against Muslims and help end violence against the minorities and the Muslim students in India. The international community was also urged to take notice of the inhuman curfew in occupied Kashmir and play its due role in resolving the longstanding issue. Rejecting the India’s illegal annexation of occupied Kashmir, the NA resolution said that BJB government was fanning extremism and fascism in the country.
Earlier in the day, Fresh protests had rocked India as anger grew over new citizenship legislation slammed as anti-Muslim, with six people dead in the northeast and up to 100 reported injured in New Delhi.