The Factual Xinjiang Papers (Part-III)

Xinjiang begins to blossom again with peace and stability

By Makhdoom Babar
President & Editor-in-Chief
(Continuing from yesterday)
In the morning, delegation was taken to the “Detention Centers”, as described by Western Media. These actually turned out to be state of the art vocational institutes where hundreds of boys and girls, belonging to Muslims ethnic groups were being given education and training to get skill for becoming useful members of the society and to earn bread and butter for themselves and their families with dignity and honor.There was also a wonderful nightlife to cater the needs of party animals with scores of discos and bistros etc.

Young Uyghur students singing and dancing during a music class at a State Vocational Center termed as Detention Centers by Western media.

They were having air-conditioned classroom as well as boarding, fully equipped with latest technology. They were given access to every facility like mobile phones, internet connections and apps like Wechat, yahoo etc. They were also having all sports facilities while the head of the institute was also from Muslim community. The expression of joy and satisfaction was visible on the faces of these young boys and girls at these vocational Centers- described as Concentration Camps and what not by Western Media- were more than enough to have a clear understanding that the inmates of these “ Torture cells” were much more happy, satisfied and privileged by any of those of their age groups, living in Chicago, Huston, London Frankfurt or Paris and were set and poised to become far more effective members of the society in future if compared with their Western counterparts. They were learning singing, use of musical instruments, repairing computers, designing websites and what not. For female students, there were additional classes for learning the arts of stitching, skincare and hair styling, fashion designing etc. These were the scenes that were clearly reflective of as to how much care and focus Chinese government had paid to these youngsters of Muslims community and how concerned Chinese leadership was to secure them from falling into the hands of global mercenaries like Daesh, TTP etc who were easily using the Muslim youth to carry our terror and sabotage by brainwashing them in the name of religion and believe me, the Chinese authorities had so far done it with immense success and thoughtfulness.
Visiting clerics asking questions to randomly selected students at a State Vocational Center termed as Detention Centers by Western media.

From here, we were taken to a Kindergarten school where little kids belonging to Muslim ethnic group were being taken care of by highly educated teachers, including officials from Education department and other official establishment due to their skills in English. They were picked up for these jobs particularly to give English language skills to these Daisies and Lillis at very early age so that they could compete at international levels with ease, pride and comfort. An old friend Qadeer, a local Muslim resident, when met at hotel over cup of coffee in the night informed me that China had for years adopted a culture of working couples. However, in Xinjiang, the concept of working couples, particularly amongst the Muslim ethnic groups could not get that much popularity and that was why the women from this community were not that much effective in economies of their families and were also falling behind socially with primary and mostly the only duty of looking after the young kids.
He further informed that a few years back, Chinese government took the initiative and started engaging women folks of this community and provided them with free of cost Kindergarten facilities where their kids were taken care off from 8 in the morning till 6 in the evening with provision of three meals- again free of cost, places to have nap and the required education.
Uyghur girls getting stitching training at a State Vocational Center termed as Detention Centers by Western media.

Qadeer further said that his 4 year old son was also now at one such Kindergarten and now his wife was helping him at his saloon and she had established a ladies section at the saloon and their income had gone at least three times more than what it was some 5 years back.
He also informed that government had contributed financially to rebuild his old house and now he was having a brand new house, very close to the kindergarten of his son and was also growing fruit and vegetables in the outer and inner lawns of his home to have additional income by selling those fruits and vegetables. The officials at the Kindergarten also informed that since the government had introduced highly lucrative packages for teaching at these Kindergartens that a lot of people from all over China were flooding to Xinjiang to take up this profession. The delegation also paid visit to mammoth Kashgar University which was a high school till few years back. Lot of students, including those from Muslim ethnic groups were having admission at this University.
University management is planning to start many new courses with international collaboration and to introduce International students exchange programs in near future.
Back at Urumqi, the delegation paid a visit to the new and state of the art building and Mosque of Islamic Institute. This is an almost 3 decades old organization, engaged in promotion of Islamic Education and research on Islam. Since the delegations reached there at the time of Asr prayer, the mosque was soon filled by the Muslim students, researcher and faculty who had come to offer prayer.
After the prayer, some student sat down in a corner to recite Holy Quran and to get more lessons of Quran from their teachers, making the mockery of the Western propaganda that Quran has been forbidden in China and that Muslims of Xinjiang were not allowed to hold, possess or recite from Holy Quran.
Uyghur Muslims of all ages offering Asr prayer at a recently built huge Mosque at the Islamic Institute in Urumqi, Capital of Xinjiang.

The Imam of the mosque at the Institute had detailed discussions with the Muslim Clerics from Pakistan and Bangladesh, representing different schools of thoughts and made them more than satisfied regarding the religious freedom for Muslims and other minorities in China and particularly in Xinjiang. The visit ended in a grand dinner hosted by Yuan Jianmin of China Merchents Group along with officials of Xinjiang Foreign Office and Information department.
Everybody from amongst the delegation had come to the conclusion that the Western Media Propagation was nothing else but a farcical bid to counter Chinese leadership’s Belt and Road Initiative and since Xinjiang was the most important area of the BRI, playing vital role in connectivity with Central Asia, Pakistan and West, it was chosen by Western powers and their media allies to made it gripped first by organized violence and once Chinese government managed to overpower the menace, they opted to for media bashing of China under fake garb of Human Rights violations and anti-Muslim stories.