State organs enjoy peace: PM

  • Core committee holds meeting on key issues
  • Firdous says Govt to ensure harmony between pillars of State
  • Legal team to advise Govt on further course of action in Musharraf case
  • Pakistan desires to be part of solution not part of problem among Muslim countries

By Ajmal Khan Yousafzai
ISLAMABAD: The government’s chief spokesperson Firdous Ashiq Awan on Wednesday said that Pakistan wishes to be “part of the solution and not part of the problem” when it comes to ties between Muslim countries.
Awan’s remarks came during a media briefing in Islamabad regarding a meeting between the core committee members of the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI).
A meeting of the party’s core committee had been called by the premier today at 5pm to discuss “the current political situation”, according to media report.
Awan said that PM Imran and Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi informed the core committee on the decision to not attend the Kuala Lumpur Summit. “The prime minister and the foreign minister spoke in detail about the backdrop in which the decision was made,” she said.
The PM’s aide said that Pakistan has strategic interest in the region, especially with regard to the OIC (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation).
“OIC is a platform which 57 countries of the Muslim ummah are a part of and the ummah’s unity is the need of the hour,” said Awan.
She said that Pakistan wishes to play the role of a country that unites the ummah.
“The premier’s vision to bring together the Muslim world means that Pakistan does not wish to align itself with any country’s individual interests.
“Pakistan will stand with the overall cause and interests of the Muslim ummah,” explained Awan, adding, “Pakistan wishes to play a central role for the betterment of the ummah and its solidarity.”
Awan also briefed the media on other discussions held during the meeting, including those on the subject of the verdict issued by the special court a day earlier against former president retired Gen Pervez Musharraf.
“The prime minister told the core committee that the institutions of Pakistan are the pillars of the state and the state’s interest will always be supreme at any cost,” she said. “We have to bolster our support to the state’s institutions and make them independent and stand by the rule of law.
“So the legal team will inform the committee, the cabinet and the party after reviewing these priorities and we will then present the government’s stance on this.”
Prime Minister Imran Khan said on Wednesday that the government wanted all institutions to work in harmony and not clash with each other.
This was revealed by Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Information and Broadcasting Firdous Ashiq Awan during a press conference.
Awan spoke about the PTI core committee meeting presided by the prime minister earlier during the day.
“The prime minister said that institutions are the pillars of the state,” she said. “He said that the government must recognise their importance.” She said that Ali Zafar and Babar Awan briefed the prime minister about the Musharraf high treason case verdict. The prime minister reportedly said that the government will stand with the rule of law.
“The prime minister said that the government will fulfill legal requirements in the case,” she said. “To remove hurdles in provision of justice is the PTI’s manifesto.”
Awan said that the core committee had decided that the government’s legal team will review the case and its verdict. She said that the government will take a stance on the verdict after the review. She said that the prime minister and the foreign minister briefed the core committee about the reason for postponing the Malaysia tour.
“Pakistan does not want to stand with the personal interest of any country,” she said. “Pakistan wants to play an integral role in uniting the Muslim Ummah.”
Awan said that Pakistan wanted to play an important role in improving the state of Muslim Ummah and furthering its cause. The PTI core committee meeting was held a day after a special court hearing General (r) Musharraf’s high treason case handed him the death penalty.
Musharraf was found guilty of abrogating the constitution and imposing a state of emergency on November 3, 2007. The former military dictator is in Dubai where he is seeking medical treatment for various illnesses.
The ISPR said that the verdict had been received with “pain and anguish” by the armed forces. A press statement from the DG ISPR said that Musharraf was a former army chief and an ex-president who had served the country for 40 years could not be a traitor. Prime Minister Imran Khan on Wednesday said that any confrontation between the national institutions will be harmful for the country, media reported, citing sources.
PM Imran has chaired a session of the core committee of his political party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), to review the current political scenario of the country.
Sources said that the core committee held consultations over the December 17’s verdict of the special court which pronounced the death sentence to the former military ruler General (Retd) Pervez Musharraf in the high treason case.
PM Khan said the confrontation between national institutions will not serve the country, adding the incumbent government firmly believes in the supremacy of the Constitution and ensuring rule of law.