‘Encouraging Fine Arts is promoting positive mindset’

islamabad: First Lady of Pakistan Samina Alvi take keen interest in paintings during the inaugurating of Solo Exhibition of impressionist Painter Nusrat Ji titled “Defining Movements” at PNCA – DM Photo By Shafiq Awan

ISLAMABAD: First Lady Samina Alvi on Monday, terming artists as the country’ pride, said encouragement of fine arts could promote a positive mindset in the country. She was speaking at a painting exhibition titled ‘Defining Moments’ by Impressionist artist Nusrat Ji here at the Pakistan National Council of Arts (PNCA). The painting displayed Nusrat Ji’ diversity of impressionism “ a category of art where the creator paints a scene in a way one would have in a glimpse “ with subjects of environment and horses, taking prominence in her work. Samina Alvi said artists through their work could disseminate powerful messages for the overall well-being of society. She said Pakistani artists were second to none, who acclaimed worldwide prestige for their brilliant and genuine works. She appreciated the paintings of Nusrat Ji where a unique blend of colours and emotions overwhelmed her canvases in a subtle, yet firm way . Artist Nusrat Ji said she believed the creativity was out of question unless a person had the power to appreciate. She said conceptional and optimistic approach was the ethos of her paintings where bright overpowered dark, joy took over sorrow and the subjects of mist, haze, fire, light and shadow gave multidimensional exposure to nature. Renowned artist Mansoor Rahi termed the paintings of Nusrat Ji ‘carrying immense possibilities, leading towards success as unique strokes of knife on palette spread hues of life on canv’ . Artist Dr Arjumand Faisal said each painting of Nusrat Ji exuded an energy, may it be depiction of a household woman, flock of birds in open skies, horses in a polo ground or sun setting in the folds of horizon. First Lady Samina Alvi was presented a painting of Nusrat Ji in an artist-studded gathering of national and international acclaim.