‘Pak needs to follow Chinese PPP model’

BEIJING: The Fourth China Public-Private partnership (PPP) Forum with the theme of “Green PPP and Regional Sustainable Development” was held at Tsinghua University. The forum reviewed China’s PPP development, shared practical experience and theoretical achievements, and promoted exchanges and discussions among all circles. According to Cheng Xizhong, special commentator of China Economic Net, it focused on hot issues in PPP related areas such as regional development, ecological development, environmental governance, green finance, digital economy. In China, PPP has a history of more than 100 years. PPP has both successful and failed cases. The key is how to make use of this mode scientifically. If we apply this mode scientifically, it will help social and economic development. Otherwise, it will have a negative impact, said participants of the forum. Since China’s reform and opening up, the PPP development has roughly gone through five phases: the first from the mid-1980s to 1993 is the exploration phase; the second from 1994 to 2002 is the pilot phase; the third from 2003 to 2008 is the promotion stage; the fourth from 2009 to 2012 is the iterative phase; and the fifth from 2013 to now is the popularization phase. The PPP mode in China has been a process of continuous improvement. Through the practice of PPP mode in China for more than 40 years, we may draw a conclusion: PPP mode itself is a good thing, however, there are both thorns and obstacles on the long road, so we should avoid wishful thinking. Pakistan can study China’s practices from two aspects: one is to visit the PPP project sites, and the other is to interact with relevant Chinese academic institutions. Then, in light of Pakistan’s own situation, Pakistani government may formulate policies on PPP and do this work steadily, said Cheng Xizhong.