61st anniversary of Cuba celebrated at embassy

By Ambreen Turk

Islamabad: Pakistan-Cuba Social Forum in coordination with the Embassy of Cuba in Pakistan and with the support of the Pakistani-Cuba Doctors Association celebrated the 61st Anniversary of the Triumph of the Cuban Revolution. In his words, the ambassador, Gabriel Tiel Capote, highlighting the memorable date, pointed out aspects related to the Cuban economy, the approval of the new Constitution, the achievements of the Revolution and the consequences of the inhuman blockade applied by the United States against Cuba, intensified by the current administration of that country. The Cuban diplomat devoted special attention to the excellent relations that exist between Cuba and Pakistan, strengthened after the recent visit of the Cuban vice president; as well as the prospects offered to expand them to the economic-commercial sector. Pakistani speakers Ramzan Moghal, Dr Afshan Malik, Dr Jamal Nasir, Jam Khursheed, Agha Amjad highlighted the contribution of the Cuban Revolution to humanity, in particular to Pakistan, the role played by Fidel Castro, and the friendship that unites the two peoples. A cigar roller, worker at the Partagás factory, who with her experience and skill met expectations, attended the activity.