Woman rising from coffin dead again

KARACHI: A woman who was declared dead while still being alive at Karachi’s Abbasi Shaheed Hospital died early Thursday. Doctor Salma Kausar said the woman, identified as Rasheeda Bibi, 50, was brought back to the medical facility after she came to life but died this morning at 5:15 am. She said the hospital will issue her death certificate in a little while. The doctors at the hospital had issued a formal death certificate of the woman yesterday and then her body was shifted to the cold storage for remaining rituals before her burial. The woman was being bathed before her burial according to Islamic burial traditions when what was considered a corpse came back to life. Taken aback, the women designated with bathing Rasheeda Bibi’s corpse come running out of the mortuary. 50-year-old Rasheeda Bibi was suffering from paralysis for the past one and a half year. The family and loved ones after regaining their mental faculties shifted Rasheeda Bibi back to Abbasi Shaheed Hospital.