‘China to back Kashmir issue’

– Chinese envoy says Indian actions
detrimental to UN resolutions

By Ajmal Khan Yousafzai
ISLAMABAD: Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan Yao Jing on Wednesday declared that his country will continue to support Pakistan on Kashmir issue. This is issue of international justice and they will stand by Pakistan for the right cause of the Kashmiri people. He hoped that World community will fulfill its responsibility in this connection, ensuring justice. We are very much concerned with the situation in Kashmir, he added. In his key-note speech at a reception held here, he highlighted the growing relations between the two brotherly countries in the recent years, particularly in the context of CPEC that has now entered into the second phase of its implementation. The reception was hosted by ambassador on the occasion of Chinese Lunar New Year for the Pakistani media and the members of Think-Tank. It was largely attended. The reception was aimed at sharing with the media’s people the recent achievements in development of their bilateral ties and China’s fast growth in various sectors. With the implementation of 2nd phase of the free trade agreement, the countries have now moved forward raising the level of their bilateral trade. According to Yao Jing, the Year 2020 will also be a historical year to usher in a new chapter of win-win cooperation between China and Pakistan. As an iron brother, Pakistan will always be the prior partner in China’s external relations. China and Pakistan will strengthen mutual support and strategic cooperation. As good neighbors, good friends, good partners and good brothers who share weal and woe, we will continue to build upon our mutual trust and firmly safeguard sovereignty, territorial integrity and national dignity. China and Pakistan will enhance cooperation to achieve common development. We continue to promote the high-quality development of the CPEC. We will deepen cooperation in trade and investment, support the development of manufacturing industry in Pakistan, increase employment and expand exports, and help Pakistan to accelerate integration into the international industrial chain. He re-pledged that China would like to increase people to people ties between the two countries. China and Pakistan will encourage more people-topeople contacts. Ambassador Yao Jing reiterated that they will consolidate international cooperation to work for regional peace. They will strengthen coordination and cooperation on major international and regional issues, jointly safeguard the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, support multilateralism and win-win cooperation, and highlight the representation and voice of developing countries on international affairs. About his country’s socio- economic rise, he said, the year 2020 will also be a landmark year of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. China will complete its thirteenth Five-Year Plan, eliminate absolute poverty completely, build a moderately prosperous society in all respects. He pointed out that the year 2019 is of great historic significance for China’s development. Over 1.4 billion Chinese people celebrated the 70th anniversary of the founding of the PRC. Over the past 70 years, under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China, we adhere to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and have scored remarkable achievements. China’s GDP has broken through the threshold of dollar 13.6 trillion in 2018, a great leap forward from over dollar 12.3 billion in 1949. The GDP per capita has increased from 23 dollars to dollar 9732. China now stands firmly as the world’s second largest economy. Over 700 million people have been lifted out of poverty. Ambassador Yao Jing thanked the Pakistani media for its objective reporting on crucial issues, particular that relating to Xinjiang. The ambassador also answered questions relating to some bilateral and regional issues He categorically stated that smooth implementation of CPEC’s related projects were going on and the governments of both the countries are very much sincere to this mega development plan as it relates to the well-being of the people. China’s ambassador to Pakistan Yao Jing on Wednesday said that the unilateral annexation of disputed Kashmir at the hands of India was a detriment to UN resolutions on the matter, ARY News reported. Addressing a gathering in Islamabad, the ambassador said that the enemies of Pakistan did not want the country to become sustainable in terms of economy.